Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What's in a Shed?

When you're attempting to run a wee business from your home, it's hard to get a handle on how to present one's wares. I've chosen a shed. A white shed. It's there, it's out front, and it's not busy, so we're putting it to work. After emptying out the various non-essentials from it's floors and walls, it was as we suspected - just trying to look busy - but really not doing anything at all. So now, it's painted white inside and out.... gradually being dressed in white lights and refurbished furniture for sale, so that very soon the humble little white shed will become a humble little white shed...with a job!

1 comment:

  1. Is that your shed? I don't recognize it... but then again, I didn't really look hard at it when we came over... and it was snowing, so 'natch no greenery, etc. Do you sell stuff on consignment, too?
